
One thing alone I crave namely
All in everything
-Dame Catherine Gascoigne

Not you, it is I who am absent.
You are the stream, the fish, the light, the pulsing shadow,
you the unchanging presence, in whom all moves and changes.
How can I focus my flickering,
perceive at the fountain's heart the sapphire I know is there?
-Denise Levertov

Long have I sought thee, O elusive Reality!
My heart is aflame in expectation of meeting thee.
-Allama Muhammed Iqbal

This body is ablaze with the fire of longing
As soon as the memory of the Beloved comes to mind.

O God,
If I am raw, cook me!
If I am cooked, burn me!
-Khwaya 'Abdullah Ansari

Mirabai says:
The heat of midnight tears will bring you to God.

Disrobe, show Your beauty.
Let this fickle mind see You,
and rest,
O Arunachala!
-Ramana Maharshi

I was passionate,
filled with longing,
I searched
far and wide.
But the day
that the Truthful One
found me,
I was at home.
-Lalla Ded

I was looking to the right and the left
So that I could see the face of the Beloved.
I was searching outside,
But the Soul was within that very soul.
-Niyazi Misri